Ooh! Ooh!
I found my pocket knife! Once again I can smugly walk about with a pair of blades, some little but remarkably effective pliers/wire cutters, an assortment of screwdrivers, a can opener and, importantly, a bottle opener on my person, ready to whip out and solve people's problem that they didn't know they had and lecture them that a pocket knife is "usually the WORST tool for the job, but you can normally get something done well enough while everyone else is still looking for the right tool. Ah! There you go! Finished. You can put those scissors away, we didn't need them after all!"
Oh! And I found the camera! Which means that I can take a video of Ella on the climbing wall - she's actually really very good at it when she doesn't know that she can't do it. Because she's so little just about every hold is a clear 1 or inches out of her reach and she has to stretch from full tip-toes to the very tips of her fingers then quickly transfer her weight. It just reinforces for me that kids are natural climbers: they do little tricks and moves that grown adults take months to learn.
Oh! And yes! The camera was with my work phone - for which I have been in deep shit for not being able to find this week. I'm very happy to have found that.