Thursday, July 29, 2010

look ma no hands

wow, this one totally snuck up on me. When I started riding a bike here in Reykjavík, I started trying to ride no-hands, like we always used to do when we were kids. So that's about 2 years ago I started trying, and it was really hard. But, riding home from the swimming pool the other night at about 3am (night-swimming, yay!), I realised I was talking to my friend and I was just riding along no handed, without even realising it! Woo-hoo! How great when a long-term project like that finally bears fruit! :D

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This week I've shot a shot gun, driven a 4wd over some insane obstacles, gone out into the forest in Rob's Land-rover to use my chain-saw to get a couple of trailer loads of wood (there was SO much mud), played poker and did some plumbing on the sprinkler system.

The country can be fun! Expecially when the slabs of Becks cost $49.

(BTW, that's the new, hipper, country way to spell. There's a guy here who says 'arkse' every time he means 'ask'. Isn't it endearing?)