Friday, October 30, 2009

I wish I had a camera in my eyes... that when I put on goggles and swim under the water I could forever capture the image of seeing my son swimming without floaties for the first time under the water to pick things up off the bottom of the pool.

I substituted by saying 'click' to myself and trying to etch it into my visual memory forever.

Ella also learnt to kick today, so she can now make her way around through the water. Every time I take them swimming they get new skills without even seeming to try.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy and hungover on the eighteenth of october...

Well, I managed to get pretty swimmingly drunk on my trip to the Faroes. I'm going through my receipts (it was a work trip), and I seem to have still been buying rounds at 3:45am, which is soooo not me. I remember singing eurovision songs with some surprisingly drunk Icelanders, and talking five kinds of garble with (very drunk) Faroese people, aaaand I remember having a D&M in an underground bomb-shelter-like thing outside the toilets. The amazing part here is, while I quite naturally enjoyed every second of the night as it was unfolding, I also enjoyed the hangover the next day, and, most astoundingly of all, the D&M isn't embarrassing me! Now I count THAT as a win for t!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I did it.

Am now incredibly tired, but satisfied to say that on top of (and despite) everything that's been going on in the last couple of months I've now done the 210km Around The Bay In A Day for a second time.

Highlights include being the last over the bridge - WOOHOO, the amazing weather (14-16 and a bit overcast the entire day) and not having to do THAT again for another 12 months.

I was three kinds of knackered when we rolled into Alexandra Gardens, but you better believe there was a sprint finish!!

I did it.

And that can't be undone.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Afternoon mini-vacation

My team leader said that since I've been exceeding my hours recently and am meeting all my targets and stuff, I can have an afternoon off next week. Yea!

Any suggestions for an afternoon mini-vacation?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Mwahahah! Look out world, I am officially the new script kiddie on the block! Look at just part of the script that I wrote to fix my mucked up experiment:

%s/\([a-ö][a-ö]*\) c /\1 - /g

Luce taught me how to make the file, but I made this evil-looking substitution all on my own! I even had to make a special other script to test this particular bit. :D (Cos, getting instructions off some guy's webpage counts as doing in on my own, doesn't it?)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's been a while since I've had good news worthy of reporting, but I got some the other day. My car insurance renewal came!

Normally this isn't good news, but this year I turn 30 and that means it costs $300 less this year. Sweet. In related good news, I saw an ad for a place called sakenet which ships Japanese booze in Australia for not-too-bad prices. What better way to spend my hard-earned $300?