Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
that was SO much fun!!
I hadn't forgotten how much fun it is to go fast... but it sure did come as a welcome shock to the senses!
First ride to work today on the real bike - I worked out that me and it have been wounded or recuperating for 6 months now, but now we've just got a couple of scars and aches.
It's SO much fun to floor it on a bike and feel it surge underneath you. My MTB is like an old holiday park trail ride horse: "You can kick and kick all you like buddy - I've already made up my mind about how fast we're going". My real bike is like a thoroughbred: "You said fast, right? Ok, let's go really fast! Left? Right? Go! Go! Go!"
First ride to work today on the real bike - I worked out that me and it have been wounded or recuperating for 6 months now, but now we've just got a couple of scars and aches.
It's SO much fun to floor it on a bike and feel it surge underneath you. My MTB is like an old holiday park trail ride horse: "You can kick and kick all you like buddy - I've already made up my mind about how fast we're going". My real bike is like a thoroughbred: "You said fast, right? Ok, let's go really fast! Left? Right? Go! Go! Go!"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
snúa og snua, og bremsa og bremsa, ...
HAH! I've been taking Swing/Rock'n'Roll dance classes at the Háskóli, and cos I'm sick of Icelandic guys not dancing, I've been learning to lead. And tonight we were learning to dance with 2 girls!! Aaaughhh!! Actually, it's not THAT hard, if they're dancing in time/together. But THEN the teacher said, oh, now let's see what happens when you turn one girl twice and one girl once, and continue on with other moves we've learnt to dance one-on-one ... Chaos! Mayhem! But *I* mananged to do it in the end, even doing the 'turn the other girl twice' to get them back in step!! Woo-hoo! OMG!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
honey... have you seen my horrible red and yellow beach shirt?
angel angel sea YEAH angel angel sea YEAH angel angel sea YEAH angel angel sea YEAH
(That's my "We're going to Angelsea on the weekend because Anna is awesome" dance).
(That's my "We're going to Angelsea on the weekend because Anna is awesome" dance).
Monday, October 27, 2008
I am awesome
I picked it. From the opening scene I picked it.
All I had to work with was an assassin's gun sights trained on a blonde swimming in a roof top pool and I picked it as being Dirty Harry.
I rule.
All I had to work with was an assassin's gun sights trained on a blonde swimming in a roof top pool and I picked it as being Dirty Harry.
I rule.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Officially a cycle commuter once more
Barring unforeseeable screwy stuff happening in the next 5 hours which might render me incapable of going home on the bike I rode here I can safely call myself a bike commuter now because I...
...have ridden to work each day this week!! I got a perfect 10!
You know how it is - there's always some reason each week why you don't ride on at least one day. But this week I managed a perfect no-driver. This marks my transition from injured sap forced to succumb to Steel Cage Travel back to fully self-reliant normal person.
In corresponding news I think that the bill to fix my real bike is going to be under $150 - I had bought a $75 rear derailleur, but it turns out that I only really need the $20 hanger so I returned it. That's like getting $55 of free stuff!! I'm thinking about cadence measuring computers or uncracked helmets.
I've got a fancy new bright blue rear tyre. Now all I need to do is take her to a LBS and say "Put her back together. I need to ride her this weekend like she's never been ridden."
...have ridden to work each day this week!! I got a perfect 10!
You know how it is - there's always some reason each week why you don't ride on at least one day. But this week I managed a perfect no-driver. This marks my transition from injured sap forced to succumb to Steel Cage Travel back to fully self-reliant normal person.
In corresponding news I think that the bill to fix my real bike is going to be under $150 - I had bought a $75 rear derailleur, but it turns out that I only really need the $20 hanger so I returned it. That's like getting $55 of free stuff!! I'm thinking about cadence measuring computers or uncracked helmets.
I've got a fancy new bright blue rear tyre. Now all I need to do is take her to a LBS and say "Put her back together. I need to ride her this weekend like she's never been ridden."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Late night drunken IM pocket knife goodness!
me: i played guitar in dan's shoe me: oh oh oh oh oh
set list
Tania: what set list
just impro?
me: set list
don't you know?
Tania: i didn't get a messag about that
me: very big deal
Tania: is it a tv show?
me: dan had a show
3 weeks
Tania: ok...,
3 shows
me: 100% impro music
Tania: on channel 31?
11:45 PM me: each night in one genre
Tania: fun :(
me: folk
Tania: :)
me: then jazz
Tania: where abouts?
me: then rock last night
trades hall
Tania: ooh
lots of people?
you there each night>
me: wendy came to last night but beth was sick
i rocked out
Tania: cool, poor beth
nice one!
me: I was, like, integral to the success
Tania: bloody oath
you been playing some more then?
me: (yes, beth's ears still bursting. v.bad)
Tania: at home i mean
me: more? at ALL
11:46 PM 1 month ago I couldn't even play for an hour at t time
Tania: well, you said a few months ago that you'd picked up the guitar
me: last night: rocking the house
Tania: so, if you've picked it up again since, that's 'more'
me: which is why is was so cool that I could string together a solo
11:48 PM I had the pcket-knifer's WET DREAM!!!
like... wow
song #2
broken string
Tania: what's a pcket-knifer?
me: (I'd gotten money from beth's mum for a pocket knife)
(and I've found a 'mechanic' brand)
11:49 PM (You have to scour the globe for these things. not available in australia)
Tania: your new pocket knife has guitar gizmos on it
me: (they come with pliers and wire cuttters)
I broke a string in song #2
Tania: i need pliers
me: and then they played apiano song while I dashed outside, repaired string with my PLIERS and WIRE CUTTERS and show didn't skip a beat.
11:50 PM Tania: :D nice one!
me: nice??
Tania: tha's the good thing about impro, huh
me: fucking AWESOME one
Tania: hey, there's a smiley and an ! there too
me: I'm going to tell EVERYONE
I'm so psyched
Tania: on the blog?
me: yes
when I get a moment
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sundays are great.
Lying out under the patio on the hammock reading the paper until I fall asleep with a thin rug over my knees to stop my legs from getting cold in the refreshing breeze while the kids watch some daft Seinfeld bee animated movie and when they've watched it twice through they come out and my son climbs into the hammock bringing icy poles for himself, me and his sister as she climbs up on the BBQ to shout "I'm a PIRATE!! Ahoy there!!" wearing just socks and a singlet and the bright morning sun highlights her ragamuffin unruly shock of blond hair.
Sundays are great.
Sundays are great.
Friday, October 3, 2008
So I was in a mosh pit last night!!
I saw The Living End with Beth. Well I say with Beth, but she was perched up the front against the barrier so she could watch the whole show, and so that she could score a used drumstick (yay Beth!), while I was up the back trying to explain to the person (who was very sweet about it) that I have to stand in front of SOMEONE (I'm tall).
But then I chased some kids up to the front to join the mosh pit and I did some slam dancing and some moshing and the Living End just rock.
I saw The Living End with Beth. Well I say with Beth, but she was perched up the front against the barrier so she could watch the whole show, and so that she could score a used drumstick (yay Beth!), while I was up the back trying to explain to the person (who was very sweet about it) that I have to stand in front of SOMEONE (I'm tall).
But then I chased some kids up to the front to join the mosh pit and I did some slam dancing and some moshing and the Living End just rock.
Light!! Aziz! Light!
Light, I've got light in my office!
I come in this morning and my desk light is turned on and pointed on a funny angle. So I changed it. It was still giving off an extraordinary amount of light. So I turned it off. It was STILL light. Then I looked up. LIGHT!!
My boss had been good to his word, he'd moved the flouro fitting from the hall to above my desk - there's light in this office now (ok, hall is dark now but that's an SEP). All this time I've been working in a little dungeon, peering through the darkness into my huge pair of flat LCD screens... talk about eye-strain... but now... LIGHT! I have LIGHT!
I come in this morning and my desk light is turned on and pointed on a funny angle. So I changed it. It was still giving off an extraordinary amount of light. So I turned it off. It was STILL light. Then I looked up. LIGHT!!
My boss had been good to his word, he'd moved the flouro fitting from the hall to above my desk - there's light in this office now (ok, hall is dark now but that's an SEP). All this time I've been working in a little dungeon, peering through the darkness into my huge pair of flat LCD screens... talk about eye-strain... but now... LIGHT! I have LIGHT!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Quiet night
Last weekend was heaps of fun; I had the day off for my birthday on Friday, I went shopping in the city, fancy dinner at a French restaurant, birthday lunch yum-cha on Saturday, laughing at all the Hawks supporters going nuts at the pub in the afternoon, birthday cocktails in the evening, then a big housecooling party at Matt's uncle's place on Sunday. Who said that birthday weekends were supposed to be relaxing?
Last night I made dinner, watched TV and sat around on the couch. Now I'm looking forward to a week of not doing much more than this :-D
Last night I made dinner, watched TV and sat around on the couch. Now I'm looking forward to a week of not doing much more than this :-D
Monday, September 29, 2008
Frequent flyer
I'm off to Japan again next week. Some people don't like business travel, but I think it's fun! This time I go to Utsunomiya, famous for dumplings and "its abundance and quality of cocktail bars" according to the ever reliable wikipedia. Woo.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Retroactive good newz
- Last week after I left the physio they didn't want me to make another appointment. Woot!
- Had my 30th birthday party and had a great time. I got both kinds of presents - beer and scotch. Woot!
- Found birthday money from my mother-in-law safe in my bag under the bed after looking absolutely everywhere all week (including going through the garbage piece by piece). Can now go buy that pocket-knife. Woot!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lost ... and Found
Well, some of you might have read about this on my iced-tee blog, but I managed to lose several personal items last week, and then they ALL returned/were found, ALL in DIFFERENT places! And the good run has continued, since other items which I thought had been lost for even longer, have also turned up - my second (actually first) pair of water-proof over-pants and BOTH reflective anklet things, which I can now wear when I ride to work! Right on!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Rode to work today
Ok then. I rode my bike to work today.
It's a bit scary, honestly, being back in the saddle, but I think it's scary in a good way.
I'm here. I'm in one piece. And I'm doing it tomorrow, and that's what counts!
It's a bit scary, honestly, being back in the saddle, but I think it's scary in a good way.
I'm here. I'm in one piece. And I'm doing it tomorrow, and that's what counts!
Oooh sunny
Ok, the weather hasn't been too crash-hot these last few days, but while warming my face in the sun at the train station this morning I was reminded of just how warm and sunny it was on Saturday. Welcome, Spring!
Monday, September 8, 2008

Ok, at the start of this week I'm going to claim that my good news is that I've had the flu shot.
While I left family all sick in our bed (they all rolled over and I fell out) this morning I come in to work to fill out my flu tracking survey and I read in the latest results that "In this past week of the survey, cough and fever was reported by 4.3% of vaccinated respondents and 6.9% of unvaccinated respondents. The combination of fever, cough and absence from work or normal duties was reported by 2.7% of vaccinated respondents and 4.6% of unvaccinated respondents."
Friday, September 5, 2008
If you buy now, I'll throw in some steak knives!
Today is the last day of my course with IMC (the Internet Marketing Company), learning how to write the online equivalent of infomercials.
I've learned an enormous amount, much to my chagrin.
I've learned an enormous amount, much to my chagrin.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Huzzah! Huzzah!
I'm able to ride again! I get a trainer for my 30th (write it down, Sept 21st, I like Scotch, music and Cabernet), and Beth didn't exactly manage to keep it a secret :-)
I got it hooked up tonight and IT WORKS!! While my wrist is building strength I'm going to be able to EXERCISE... like a NORMAL PERSON!! My 'real' bike is still in bits from the accident (you can see it on the table) but this crusty old thing has got pedals that go around and around and around and around just fine.
Monday, September 1, 2008
I have 3 things, this week alone...
My "secret project" has gone alpha! My shaman, Moltenboron, (nobody doesn't like him) reached 70! I used colours in my blog post for this week!
And hooray! I'm cross-promoting!
And hooray! I'm cross-promoting!
Ultima 7
I played Ultima 7 using Exult most of yesterday, and it was way cool. I remember well the beautiful swirling red colours of the load screen. I used to watch for ages as my old 486 chugged through loading as much as it could into its puny memory. Can barely catch them now, but at least I can play the game. Think I'll play some more tonight.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Spent this afternoon at a winery near Woodend watching my beloved perform in the chorus of Pirates of Penzance, eating cheese and drinking wine. Joy!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Progress on my wrist...
I had a good moment this afternoon on the way back from the physio - I'm up to Exercises, not just stretches.
Basically it's now stopped healing and I'm up to rehabilitating my wrist. I've got a piece of silly putty that I'm supposed to squish between my thumb and hand.
It was neat walking out of the hospital as a healthy, recovering person. Somehow the wind was less cold, the sunlight just a bit more summery and I was walking just that little bit lighter.
I'll be strong like He-Man any minute now - Mt Arapiles here we come!
It was neat walking out of the hospital as a healthy, recovering person. Somehow the wind was less cold, the sunlight just a bit more summery and I was walking just that little bit lighter.
I'll be strong like He-Man any minute now - Mt Arapiles here we come!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How cool is my mum!?
Last night our cute (but short) bartender host, Ben, made an original cocktail from brandy and peanut butter and ice cream and vanilla, but didn't have a name for it. He came over to our table to have a chat, and Mum suggested "Devil's Advocate". Two minutes later we overheard him telling the table next to ours that his new cocktail was called just that. My mum named a new cocktail. How cool is that!?
Next time you're at Madam Brussels, skim through the cocktail list. You might even see it there.
Next time you're at Madam Brussels, skim through the cocktail list. You might even see it there.
Prom prom prom prom
A couple of days ago the news came through that we've won the booking raffle for the Prom this summer - got the sites booked that we wanted!!
View Larger Map
We've got 2 sites next to each other for the 2009 Australia Day weekend - right near 4th ramp and the Beach Block toilets. (Hot running water baby!)
The List so far:
It's going to be great!
View Larger Map
We've got 2 sites next to each other for the 2009 Australia Day weekend - right near 4th ramp and the Beach Block toilets. (Hot running water baby!)
The List so far:
- Sam Marion and Euan
- Anna
- Stephanie and Gustav
- Tania and Lucien
- Brent Tali and Ella
- Cliff and Karin (my mum and dad)
- Dan and Mia
It's going to be great!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
An Open Invitation
We were discussing today about how easy it is just to talk about things that annoy us, but we don't often talk about the good news in our day... the small things...the kittens. We thought: "wouldn't it be nice if we had a place where we could talk about the good stuff that's happening", so we've started a blog about just those things.
This isn't only about us, though; we'd really love you to read this blog and contribute to it yourself. If you'd like to join in, let us know!
-- Brent and Zuzanna.
This isn't only about us, though; we'd really love you to read this blog and contribute to it yourself. If you'd like to join in, let us know!
-- Brent and Zuzanna.
Ladies' Night In The Parlour
Tonight I'm meeting up with a few friends for Ladies' Night In The Parlour at Madam Brussels:
I'm excited! So... cocktails at my place this weekend, anyone?The next forum will be hosted by the handsome and award winning cocktail expert, Mr Benjamin.
He will walk you lovely ladies through some cocktail basics. What to order, how to order it and how to get the bartender's number! There will be plenty of sexy cocktails to drink and a few hints on how to make cocktails at home with all those half empty jars in your cupboards.
I can play guitar again! Woot!
Last night I played guitar for the first time in about 12 weeks. My wrist is now healed enough that I can start playing without too much difficulty.
I played a couple of Weezer songs, a Ben Folds number and what I remember of "Run to paradise".
I love the feeling of the strings under my fingers - a guitar can go from inanimate object to breathing living beast just by banging it with your hands. It's just a simple pleasure - but that means it's the best type, right?
I played a couple of Weezer songs, a Ben Folds number and what I remember of "Run to paradise".
I love the feeling of the strings under my fingers - a guitar can go from inanimate object to breathing living beast just by banging it with your hands. It's just a simple pleasure - but that means it's the best type, right?
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