Friday, October 24, 2008

Officially a cycle commuter once more

Barring unforeseeable screwy stuff happening in the next 5 hours which might render me incapable of going home on the bike I rode here I can safely call myself a bike commuter now because I...

...have ridden to work each day this week!! I got a perfect 10!

You know how it is - there's always some reason each week why you don't ride on at least one day. But this week I managed a perfect no-driver. This marks my transition from injured sap forced to succumb to Steel Cage Travel back to fully self-reliant normal person.

In corresponding news I think that the bill to fix my real bike is going to be under $150 - I had bought a $75 rear derailleur, but it turns out that I only really need the $20 hanger so I returned it. That's like getting $55 of free stuff!! I'm thinking about cadence measuring computers or uncracked helmets.

I've got a fancy new bright blue rear tyre. Now all I need to do is take her to a LBS and say "Put her back together. I need to ride her this weekend like she's never been ridden."

1 comment:

tania said...

well, today I drove for the first time in a while, although there was actually hardly any snow on the roads and the gales from last night seem to have died down. I always feel like an idiot when I don't ride...