Wednesday, May 13, 2009

twilight and twilight fans

Okay, so the more I read about the Twilight series, the more I realise I'm so not alone in being obsessed by it - the books, the movies, the audiobooks, edward, rob, jacob, bella, alice... I even read comments about the actors. But seriously, it seems like people with all levels of education are totally into Twilight - I laughed out loud at one fan's defense of the actors, about how they're real people with real lives, and about how we should stop expecting them to actually be like their characters, and all the celeb palaver, etc.

"People need to stop putting actors on pedal stools".

HA HA HA HA! ROTFL! Is that like some kind of shroom that makes you rush intead of hallucinate? Or like a racing rocking chair? AbsolUTEly LMAO!!!


brent said...

oh dear.

Zuzanna said...

Tania, have you see True Blood? Another exceptional Vampire show - but a little more, how can I put it, 'adult'. Watch the titles and you'll see what I mean :-D

tania said...

ooh, doesn't look like i replied to you before zuzanna: Yup, I like True Blood too. And I like the tv series better than the books, I think. The books don't give as good an insight into the lives and motives of the other characters. That sounds completely backwards but all kudos to the tv series writers and actors I say :)