Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Late night drunken IM pocket knife goodness!

me: i played guitar in dan's shoe
set list
Tania: what set list
just impro?
me: set list
don't you know?
Tania: i didn't get a messag about that
me: very big deal
Tania: is it a tv show?
me: dan had a show
3 weeks
Tania: ok...,
3 shows
me: 100% impro music
Tania: on channel 31?
11:45 PM me: each night in one genre
Tania: fun :(
me: folk
Tania: :)
me: then jazz
Tania: where abouts?
me: then rock last night
trades hall
Tania: ooh
lots of people?
you there each night>
me: wendy came to last night but beth was sick
i rocked out
Tania: cool, poor beth
nice one!
me: I was, like, integral to the success
Tania: bloody oath
you been playing some more then?
me: (yes, beth's ears still bursting. v.bad)
Tania: at home i mean
me: more? at ALL
11:46 PM 1 month ago I couldn't even play for an hour at t time
Tania: well, you said a few months ago that you'd picked up the guitar
me: last night: rocking the house
Tania: so, if you've picked it up again since, that's 'more'
me: which is why is was so cool that I could string together a solo
me: oh oh oh oh oh
11:48 PM I had the pcket-knifer's WET DREAM!!!
like... wow
song #2
broken string
Tania: what's a pcket-knifer?
me: (I'd gotten money from beth's mum for a pocket knife)
(and I've found a 'mechanic' brand)
11:49 PM (You have to scour the globe for these things. not available in australia)
Tania: your new pocket knife has guitar gizmos on it
me: (they come with pliers and wire cuttters)
I broke a string in song #2
Tania: i need pliers
me: and then they played apiano song while I dashed outside, repaired string with my PLIERS and WIRE CUTTERS and show didn't skip a beat.
11:50 PM Tania: :D nice one!
me: nice??
Tania: tha's the good thing about impro, huh
me: fucking AWESOME one
Tania: hey, there's a smiley and an ! there too
me: I'm going to tell EVERYONE
I'm so psyched
Tania: on the blog?
me: yes
when I get a moment


Matt Gallagher said...

If I hadn't been there, I think this entire post would be incomprehensible :-)

Rock on, Brent! But can you play guitar hero?!

brent said...


once I had a shot on guitar hero and it was awful. It was really embarrassing.

I went straight out the car where I had an actual guitar in the boot and played the songs for real just to assuage my ego.

Zuzanna said...

I was there, and it was fucking awesome! And the way you handled that broken string... totally professional! :-D