Friday, October 30, 2009

I wish I had a camera in my eyes... that when I put on goggles and swim under the water I could forever capture the image of seeing my son swimming without floaties for the first time under the water to pick things up off the bottom of the pool.

I substituted by saying 'click' to myself and trying to etch it into my visual memory forever.

Ella also learnt to kick today, so she can now make her way around through the water. Every time I take them swimming they get new skills without even seeming to try.


tania said...

awesome :) What was that series we (at least I) used to read as a kid, where the kid could remember everything by doing exactly that - saying 'click' to take a mental photograph of the image. I liked those stories, and had completely forgotten them until you I read this post.

brent said...


I have a scene from Mt Buller looking down one particular run (just down the back of the Blue Bullet) on a particularly heavily snowing day saved too.