Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy happy news!!

Last night, in a quiet moment after a BBQ:

Son: Dad, do you believe in God?
Me: (pause) No I don't.
Son: Me neither. I don't believe in things you can't see.

............................... HOORAY!!!!

I swear to - goodness - that I never once put him up to it!

Success!! Rational parenting win!!

We had a brief chat about how we wouldn't say things like that Gran, because it's not very polite, and my wife was listening so I couldn't fall to my knees and say "Oh, thankyou thankyou thankyou." I think I handled it very neutrally.

1 comment:

Matt Gallagher said...

I have a similar attitude towards dark matter (although I consider its existence more likely than your son's invisible space magician).